The Rigs

Interview in Venice with The Rigs

In this insightful interview with VoyageLA, Caitlin and TJ Stafford of The Rigs discuss their journey as musicians and life partners. They open up about their creative process, their rise in the LA music scene, and how they’ve blended their unique talents into a cohesive, emotionally charged sound. Caitlin shares stories about her musical upbringing and the impact of vulnerability in songwriting while TJ dives into the challenges and triumphs of their collaboration. Read more about how this dynamic duo turned their passion into a successful music career based in Venice.

Meet Caitlin and TJ Stafford of The Rigs in Venice

Original publication on August 19, 2020 by VoyageLa

Today we’d like to introduce you to Caitlin and TJ Stafford.

Caitlin and TJ, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today

Caitlin: TJ and I originally met back in 2004 through church.

TJ: I was leading music at a church in LA that Cait had attended since she was a child. She auditioned to sing in the band, and, well, you’ve heard her voice.

Caitlin: We actually technically “worked” together for years before we ever decided to write music together and form The Rigs. We were friends and played music together for various projects and supported each other’s solo careers for almost ten years before we decided to write together. We had both been a part of various other bands and projects in the past, but I think we knew in those first moments that there was something particularly special about the music we were creating together. I think our many years of friendship, coupled with sexual tension and some personal turmoil created super fertile ground for our songwriting 😉 We actually had only written a couple of songs when the first one got picked up for placement. We got a call that it was being used in the final season trailer for True Blood, and we were pretty shocked. It was so sudden and so early on in our journey that we hadn’t even discussed a band name! We went by “Tj and Cait” for a brief moment before settling on The Rigs.

TJ: There’s also a more “silent” member of The Rigs. I met our producer, Smidi years ago through mutual music connections. Working with Smidi is and has always been one of my favorite things in life. He’s undoubtedly one of the most talented producers I know, but more importantly, he’s one of the best people I know. There’s not a bad bone in his body. He brings skills and an extreme peace to any situation, which is rare in this world.

Caitlin: As for where we are now…six years, four albums, hundreds of tv and film placements, marriage and a baby later. Things have been crazy! But we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Has it been a smooth road?

Caitlin: Of course not 😉 The music industry is complex and ever changing. It’s full of hope and heartbreak. High highs and low lows. You don’t go into it because it’s easy or smooth. You go into because you feel like it’s the only thing you would ever feel satisfied doing. Because it gives you life. And you love it. Most of the time.

TJ: Ha! “Smooth road.” Do smooth roads exist? Anywhere? To anything? If they do, I’d love to go to there. Bring my BMX and do some sick bunny hops.

Can you give our readers some background on your music?

We are a Los Angeles music duo that has gained popularity over the last few years due to multiple tv and film placements. Our favorite and most notable placements include spots on True Blood, The Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy, Parenthood, American Horror Story, Nashville, and most recently the Netflix phenomenon, 365 Days.

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